ICNA Houston


Young Muslims (YM) is a pioneering national youth organization that has been on the youth scene since the early 90’s. We have established a well-organized network of local youth groups that we call NeighborNets (which means network of neighbors) across the United States and Canada. Each NeighborNet is a dynamic youth group which attempts to build a solid understanding of the principles of Islam amongst its members by helping them put these principles into practice. By providing the youth with an Islamic atmosphere where they can form bonds of brotherhood with their peers, they become comfortable with Islam and its teachings. We stress the importance of knowing, understanding, and fulfilling our individual and collective obligations as Muslims.
Young Muslims constantly strives to embody the Quranic verse: Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good, enjoining what is right, and forbidding what is wrong: They are the ones to attain felicity. (3:104)

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The goal of Young Muslims shall be to seek the pleasure of Allah (may He be Glorified and Exalted) by educating, facilitating, and developing the Muslim youth in becoming literate, balance-minded contributors of society that work individually and collectively to establish (the true, unadulterated teachings of) Islam in their lives.

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