ICNA Houston


ILF is an educational initiative of the Islamic Circle of North America whose objective is to enrich the lives of Muslims by providing them with sound knowledge of Islam. By affecting their hearts through a deepened awareness of the faith, ILF aims to develop a higher caliber of Muslim leaders.

ILF takes Islamic learning beyond a casual lecture and into a formal classroom setting, providing a comprehensive educational experience through seminars, workshops and intensive classes. Scholars provide instruction in Quranic studies, Hadith studies, Fiqh, Sunnah, Arabic language, Tajweed and contemporary Muslim issues. The institution also offers programs that focus on leadership development, chaplaincy training and interfaith cooperation.

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ILF hosted many onsite classes, and online seminars, with a total attendance of more than 75,000 people across the country. ILF Texas developed and launched a new website that hosts a registration module and a video library of previous ILF courses. ILF Chicago launched a three-year Associate’s Level Islamic Studies Program, based on the curriculum of the Secondary College of Al-Azhar University, Cairo.

At a local and regional level, the Tarbiyah Department hosts weekly NeighborNets and tarbiyah camps for training and skill development. It also prepares audio and visual material for workshops and presentations, and guides local units in formulating regular programs. ICNA’s numerous branches hold weekly or monthly events via its 300 NeighborNets. Many online classes and 100’s of workshops and seminars are also conducted.

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