A few years ago, several devoted Islamic workers took a hard look at Islamic work in North America and saw that one huge bulk of the Muslim population was being lost in the shuffle: the youth. Those who themselves must carry the torch of Islam one day were feeling little or none of it in their hearts.
And so, Young Muslims was born. Young Muslims is the youth division of Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) and was established specifically to address and solve this problem. YM’s purpose is to seek the pleasure of Allah ﷻ through educating and developing the youth in order to foster in them the desire to live their lives for the sake of Allah and to change the lives of others around them to have that same desire.
ICNA has lots of great opportunities for
the whole family. Be an ambassador of Islam!
Those individuals who wish to be more involved in the management and activities of YM are invited to be part of an official Study Circle. It is here where the growth and development of each member is assisted by a qualified mentor. The students of a Study Circle undergo a rigorous program of knowledge and development that prepares them to be leaders of YM and balanced Islamic workers. The National Tarbiyyah Department of Young Muslims has developed a syllabus of Islamic books – under the guidance of qualified scholars – providing Study Circle members with a balanced, comprehensive foundation of Islamic knowledge. The books unclude subjects of Personal Purificiation (Tazkiyyah), Quranic sciences, Islamic law, Da’awah, Leadership strategy, Seerah, and many more. Along with this syllabus, YM Study Circle members attend seminars providing instructions on special skills including public speaking, writing, graphic design, A/V recording & editing, methods of counseling and many other subjects. The Study Circle system is categorized into three phases – each of which builds upon previous material. The goal is to provide members with critical foundations of knowledge necessary to lead, propagate Islam, benefit the community, and foster the spirit of brotherhood and unity between Muslims.